Welcome Prof. Yu Duan, Changchun University of Science and Technology, China to be the Keynote Speaker!

Welcome Prof. Yu Duan, Changchun University of Science and Technology, China to be the Keynote Speaker!


Prof. Yu Duan, Changchun University of Science and Technology, China

Yu Duan, Tang Aoqing distinguished professor. He graduated from Northwestern Polytechnic University with a bachelor's degree and a doctor's degree from Jilin University, and received three years of post doctoral training in the National Nano Laboratory in Italy. Now he is engaged in the research of organic optoelectronic devices applied to display / lighting, photovoltaic, smart window, as a principle investigator work for more than 10 scientific research projects. Published more than 100 papers, and applied for more than 40 invention patents, and served as the editor of Journal Electronic Materials.